Monday, August 25, 2008

Dreams at Dawn.........

It is the most difficult job in this world - opening the eyes, to the darkness around me, early in the morning…, which was immediately followed by an equally difficult job - getting up…! Well hard work in the morning, anyways, never mind… After stumbling out of the bed, I drifted dreamily on to my terrace, in the predawn hours, my eyelids battling to stick together once again, hard work required again, to keep then apart, but not anymore…

It was still dark; sun was yet to peep out of the eastern horizon, with the chillness of midnight still hanging in the air…! A deep breath out there was all required to put an end to all battles to drag me back to sleep… Cool refreshing breeze graced my face, and that’s it, I was fresh…

I walked on, under a canopy of inky black sky, studded with thousands of tiny diamonds… I looked up at the starry sky overhead, pin points of light sailing millions of light years, across the cosmos to reach my retina…! Actually, I wasn’t looking just at the darkness, but the vast expanse of space which was hiding behind the canopy, reminding me, of the distance between my dreams and my reality…! As I continued to stare, all my dreams started flowing in my eyes… My dreams were the stars, and my reality was my terrace, immense difference, indeed…!

I Reached the far end of my terrace, of course, my finite terrace is no match to the infinite star field…, never mind…! No matter what’s the difference between terrace star field up ahead, or between my dreams and reality…, if the light stars can reach me, I can reach my dreams too!

Back on earth, something was happening… A reddish tinge was spreading through Eastern skies, reminding me of my day ahead… Dreams don’t realize themselves as I gaze at them… A day was breaking into existence, in which I can cross a few miles in my journey of light years towards my dreams… Slowly the inky black sky dissolved into dull pale blue, stars started disappearing…

The skyline of my city was coming into view, bathed in the first rays of golden sunlight… Eastern skies were no more dark, it was painted in violent colours, with a distant silhouette of birds, flying across the horizon, to an unknown destination…! Rays of hope for the day, started appearing in my mind, as the sun rays, touched my soul…! Perhaps, my dreams aren’t far away, light years are no big deal, anything is possible…! And a lovely voice of my mum carried a warning through the air, “Hey idiot, where the hell are you? Coffee’s getting cold!”


jayashree swaminathan said...

harry...your language is so catchy and cool. wud like to see more of ur flowery bluffy language like this! envy you(wid a big sigh) [:P]

Harry said...

@ Jayashree: Well, thanks a lot... Definitely i'll try to write more...

jayashree swaminathan said...

hey harry...i know you have been too busy wid ur studies, and watching movies, but you can always spend time to write ur blogs atleast for ur ardent fans like me...

Shalini Gowrisankar said...

Goah! Harry.. I'm totally impressed.. You creat an art with words.. waiting to read more of them :)